Editing family relationships

Using the Family File, you can move a patient to a new account or combine two accounts. Before moving any patients, consider the following:

·        When you are combining families, you cannot move the head of household unless you move all family members first.

·        You cannot move a patient if the patient has any outstanding insurance claims (claims that you have not received). You can wait until the claim is paid or delete the claim and recreate it under the new account.

·        When you move a patient, the patient's insurance information is cleared if the patient is not the insurance subscriber. If the patient is the subscriber, the insurance follows the patient.

·        If a patient is the insurance subscriber for family members, the insurance information is cleared for those family members if you move the subscriber.

To edit family relationships

1.   With a patient selected in the Family File, click Edit, and then click Edit Family Relations.

The Edit Family Relations dialog box appears.

2.   Select the family member that you want to move to another account, and then click Move >>.

Note: You cannot move the head of household.

The patient's name appears in the New Family box and automatically becomes the head of household.

3.   Select the next member or members of the family that you want to move to the new family, and then click Move >>.

The selected names move to the New Family box.

4.   To make a different patient the head of household, select the patient's name and click Set HofH.

5.   Do one of the following:

·        To undo the changes, click Undo All.

·        To continue with the changes, click Next.

Note: If the patient has insurance coverage, or is an insurance subscriber for other patients, a message appears, warning that the insurance will be cleared.

6.   Click Next.

The current transactions for the families appear.

7.   Click Next.

Family balances and the Family Edit Offsetting Adjustments dialog box appears.

Note: You must select offsetting adjustment types before you can complete the family edit.

8.   Select a - Credit Adjustment Type and a + Charge Adjustment Type, and then click OK.

9.   Select one of the following options:

·        Move Balance to New Family – Balance moves to the new family. To change how the balances post, click the Settings icon and change the offsetting adjustment types.

·        Keep Balance on Existing Family – Posts offsetting adjustments to both families for each provider with a balance for the patients moved. (This affects the aged balances of both families.) To change how the balances post, click the Settings icon and change the offsetting adjustment types.

10. Click Finish.